Today’s very fluid video advertising atmosphere is occurring because of the way that various noticeable online entities are seeing the limitless opportunity for video marketing; and they’re burnt out on seeing it all end up on YouTube.
No one can argue that YouTube stands out by miles that anyone who tries to rival it . With more than 300 hours of feature transferred to YouTube every 60 seconds, and that feature being shared all over social networking sites, numerous online entities feel that they can take their share of the cake and lure users to remain on their websites.
This article takes a gander at the subtleties of each of these socially-driven video advertising opportunities so you can see how to better utilize them for your business.
Amplify Your Video Marketing Success With YouTube
With over a billion monthly unique visitors, YouTube has an audience for just about any type of video content. You know a ton about your area of expertise, so share your knowledge by establishing your own YouTube channel.
There are tons of benefits to incorporating YouTube into your video marketing strategy. The main one is: Google owns YouTube, which means videos published on the platform rank really well in search results. Additionally, creating valuable videos that help buyers and sellers understand the market also make leads feel more connected to you. If you execute your video marketing strategy well, you can turn 10 minutes of your time into an invaluable, evergreen, trust-building marketing tool!
Follow these 5 steps to establish a successful YouTube channel:
Produce engaging content:
Create content that is engaging, informative and entertaining. I recommend creating a combination of evergreen educational videos (that will remain relevant over time) and fun videos that are short and highly entertaining (e.g. showcasing a local event that’s really unique).Come up with memorable video titles:
Titles that get people curious will drive traffic to your YouTube channel, so spend some time brainstorming great titles. Be sure to include relevant keywords and keep the length at 50 characters or less for greater reach and better search engine optimization.Customize your channel:
Creating a visually appealing channel not only helps establish your brand identity, but it also shows that you know what you’re doing. Be sure to optimize your channel bio and custom URL to maximize audience appeal.Take advantage of channel trailers:
YouTube allows you to create a brief trailer that plays automatically when someone visits your channel. For best engagement, create a 60 second video that tells your viewers why they should listen to you and set it up as your channel trailer. Be sure to provide a short introduction of who you are and why you’re the best at what you do. Click here to learn more about channel trailers.Optimize your video descriptions:
The content in your video descriptions is absolutely essential to real estate video marketing success. The more concise and compelling you make your description, the more people will want to watch your video. Each description should give a brief summary on what you’ll be covering and should include keywords focused on terms leads will be searching for in order to find out about real estate in your area. You can also incorporate links, so be sure to add URLs back to your website and other social channels.
The dominating force of YouTube can certainly drive your video marketing success to shoot up since it gives anyone a substantial opportunity to create a robust online presence not to mention the following that you might develop along the way.
Just like any other strategy, YouTube Video Marketing can be a daunting task. It takes time and consistent effort to get the most benefits from the video platform.
We also took the initiative to curate what we think are the best video ads ever published on YouTube. You’re welcome!
The Top Five Favorite YouTube Video Ads Ever
According to the ad makers, brand shapers, copywriters, and coders who responded to the AdWords Agency Blog’s invitation to cast their ballots, the favorite YouTube video ad of the past 10 years was Turkish Airlines’ “Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie Shootout.” The ad currently has almost 141.3 million views, 241,000 YouTube engagements, 237,000 Facebook shares, and 32,000 Twitter tweets, according to data from Tubular Labs.
Combined, these top five iconic video ads have been watched for over 7.7 million hours on YouTube alone. Do the math and this means viewers have actively chosen to spend over 875years watching these YouTube video ads!
What’s certain is, the success of these YouTube Ads clearly defines what YouTube can do to you and the videos you market.
Image credit: Featured Image
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